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Can You Feel the Music?

Today on the blog I wanted to talk about music! I'm obsessed with music and finding new artists and songs and telling my friends. Since I consider all of you my friends, I can't just not tell you about some of my favorite artists! That would make me a bad friend! Recently, I've been obsessed with a few artists and have had their music on repeat constantly on Spotify. [To save on length, I'll post one at a time.]

The first is Foy Vance, a little known Irish artist who I found through the Mahogany Sessions, a Youtube account that posts amazing, unknown artists and their talent. Some of my absolute favorite artists I found through the Mahogany Sessions. I'll leave their link to their channel down below. This is taken from his website as it explains his music better than I ever could. It "works with those familiar refrains of finding and holding onto a guiding light, of falling back on one's resiliency, of shutting off from the world and living behind guarded emotional walls, of knowing the contents of one's soul better than anyone else ever could and of ripping everything up, throwing the scraps into the air and just going for whatever gusto might still be left to have in this life of such short terms." He is one of those artists that write the lyrics with such a rawness and honesty to where you can feel them. You feel the music within your bones. I love artists like that. His music is absolute perfection. His sound is very Mumford and Sons, Ed Sheeran, Hudson Taylor- esque. Very indie, soft rock, lots of piano and guitar. His latest album, "Joy of Nothing"is flawless. The songs I'm obsessed with are 'Guiding Light',  which features Ed Sheeran (swoon!). The lyrics talk about when you don't think you can keep going to remember that person who is the reason you haven't given up yet. That they are your guiding light and will lead you home. I think we all have that one person or persons who are our own personal guiding light. Someone who does keep us going when times are rough or we don't think we can continue on. The next song is called ‘Closed Hand, Full of Friends' talks about going on an adventure and living life. To live life to its absolute fullest and discover the world and all the beauty it has to offer. Most importantly, to discover who it is you are and what you want to do with your life. I can relate to this song so much as I'm constantly figuring out myself and who I am and what I want to do. It reminds me that I need to stop saying "One day" and start saying "Now, today." These are just my favorites but there isn't a bad one among them. I urge you to go check out his music because it's amazing and I promise you won't regret it!

.:Things Mentioned Above:.
Foy Vance "Joy of Nothing" Album: 

"music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything."

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