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It's Mail Time!

Hello lovelies! Today I have an especially exciting post for you all! Inspired by fellow KC blogger Abigail and her idea to send a good old fashioned handwritten note to your friends! I decided to do this because A) who doesn't love getting mail, B) because I love sending mail, and C) I love interacting with you all! And with school just days from being done I thought it'd be a fun kickoff to summer! 

So how do you get a piece of snail mail from me? Glad you asked! 

The first 10 people to email me at sgoble1@yahoo.com with the subject 'Snail Mail From Sam' and your address, will get a handwritten note from yours truly! It's that simple! 

Whenever I get a card it just makes me so happy. That someone sat down and took the time, effort and thoughtfulness to write me.I can't wait to write to you guys and send you a little piece of happiness! :) 

I'm challenging all of you to send a note to 10 people you know. It could be friends, family, a teacher or someone you admire! Snap a picture and send/tag me in it! I'd love to see them! :) Let's bring back snail mail! 

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"hand written notes will never go out of style"

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