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Men Love Mystery

Hey darlings, glad you made it back! 

It’s been a busy week working on assessments at school, inputing test scores in the system and working on report cards. I feel like I'm getting cross eyed staring at the computer. Then there’s parent conferences coming up all next week. Life of a teacher.

On the flip side, I won a $150 giveaway from the lovely Falasha of Bite My Fashion. Check the post out here. Thanks babe, that was truly exciting.
How was your week?

How was last weekend for shopping though? Did you get an early start on gifting? Tons of fantastic deals that were reason enough to go shopping, like we needed a reason, hehe. 

I honestly go through fashion dalliances every once in a while like I’m sure we all do and now it’s all about black. It has such a hold on me currently it's cray! Very out of character for a gal that swears by colorful Winters. My excitement was totally infectious as I shot this look. You would think I had on a purple dress, haha. I was undoubtedly my playful and relaxed self through it. Like whaaaaattt??? Such great fun. If only I could post some of the sillies, you’d totally understand. 

I’m assuming (and I’m pretty sure I’m right) that your holiday social calendar is filling up fast. Mine is. One of my party invites stated dress code >>cocktail attire<<  and I looked no more soon as I pulled out this lovely layered flounce dress with intricate lace bodice from my friend D Anthony of Vindictive Couture. I styled a piece from him here and a few other times in the past. The high neck and dash of fur in the form of a coat kept my elements warm and toasty while wearing this seasonless LBD

I paired it with caged knee high boots that I am in all kinds of love with. So much so this is it’s third outing already in the past couple weeks, (hands on head Emoji).

On Thursday, the color expert Pantone named Serenity and Rose Quartz the two colors of the year 2016. I must have seen this coming when I picked out a pair of rose quartz gloves to keep my hands protected from the low temps that have hit San Francisco lately.

While I enjoyed this session, all wasn’t quite impeccable below the surface. I almost hear you go uh oh and almost see the ears perk up some, hehe. I broke a nail from the nail bed and it hurt, ouch! Enough to cut my fun short? Heck no! Ain't no stopping us now (McFadden & Whitehead voice, hehe).
Another star of this look is one of my new lippies from my 'Back to Mac'. This one is called 'Men Love Mystery' and gosh do I love it! Enough to title this post after it, :))).

Your thoughts?

 Dress - Vindictive
Cage Boots - Nasty Gal (Here)
Box Clutch - Vintage (Here)
Sunnines - Dior (Here)

I so appreciate you stopping by to read me, Keep thinking the purple thoughts, Xo..

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