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and now for something completely different ...(loll)
well todays (or should i say tonight's) post is quite a special one, imo
quite a few years ago (well about 5 yrs ago) my dad was really into art and regularly ordered a magazine called the fine art collector which featured all sorts of (expensive) paintings from new artists, one day i was extremely bored so i got looking at this magazine and when i turned the page i fell in love with one painting, and  because the actual painting had a 4 figure price tag, i cut this picture out and pinned it on my wall in my bedroom, only a couple of weeks ago i took the painting down to paint and i decided that i'd like to try this on my nails 
okay enough waffling here's what i rustled up

following pics have matte top coat

i was a little disappointed with this the trees didn't turn out right and the man what's he doing here? i don't have a clue loll, the one thing i liked was the heart 

here's the picture, don't you just love it ? btw if anybody knows who the artist is who did this or the name of the painting please leave me a comment below

anywhoo i shall talk to you all laterss : ) 

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