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What's That? Irish Blogging *Not* Dead?

Well. Did you have a nice weekend?

I got the hair fixed on Friday (went back to the salon who had done the blondifying, they were all very nice about it) and then headed wesht for the 2010 Irish Blog Awards in Galway on Saturday night. 

Proceedings kicked off with the Longlex Ladies' Wine Tea Party, organised by Ms. Sabrina Dent and hosted in the swanktastic Linda Evangelista suite of the G Hotel where it was mirrored sliding salon doors and mirrored walls and super lavish opulence and zebra heads (well, just the one, really) a go-go. Ciara rocked some fab teal eyeliner that made her blue eyes go "bing!" Elly got herself some deadly neon pink nails. Jennifer reckoned the zebra was giving me and my stripes the gladeye. Myself and Martha wondered how the zebra would look with a hat. And maybe some sunglasses.

Then it was on to the Radisson for the awards themselves. Now, this blog didn't make the final cut for Best Personal (ultimately won by Xbox4NappyRash, congrats!) but Beaut.ie was up for and won Best Beauty/Fashion Blog for Kirstie and Aisling, yay... 

IBA 2010 Best Beauty/Fashion Blog sponsored by SpinnakerPro

... aaand then went on to take the Grand Prix overall Best Blog gong!

Myself and Aisling were literally stuck to our seats with a mixture of shock and delight when that last Gong of Gongs was announced, but as the designated hardware collector I had to shake myself and head back up to the stage for another what we'll loosely call "speech". Mostly I opened and closed my mouth and assorted noises came out. Jesus. I have no real recollection of what I said, perhaps mercifully, but I'm fairly certain that I forgot to thank SpinnakerPro and WHPR for generously sponsoring the categories (Best Beauty/Fashion and Grand Prix respectively).

So, apologies and thanks!

IBA 2010 Best Blog Grand Prix sponsored by WHPR

Once all the heavy lifting was dispensed with (seriously, that Grand Prix trophy weighs a shagging ton) it was time for cocktail sausages and deep fried prawn yokies and assorted dips and chats with Darragh and Rosemary and The Internet's David Maybury and his lovely missus and waving at White Rabbit NI and admiring her excellent bunny badge and then more chats with more assorted but universally lovely blog folk and their mates. 

After that, the plans to retire to the lounge in the G and be vay refined and quaff some champagne fell by the wayside as I er sort of accidentally got involved in dancing the rest of the night away.

IBA 2010 dancing 
Pic is Eolaí's

"Cos this is Thriller, Thriller night... Badum dum dum duh dum..."

All in all, a most excellent evening. Cheers again to Damien for putting the whole shebang together!

All pix are via Rymus unless otherwise stated.

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