Hey Beauties!

Matte lip products are everywhere now and I feel like more and more brands are coming out with their matte liquid lipsticks and matte lipsticks. For some reason I actually like a bit glossier and creamier products for summer. Maybe it's because I feel like a strong matte lip under harsh sunlight can sometimes look a bit too much. I think that lip glosses are definitely coming back, especially for summer. Today I'll talk more about Avon Ultra Glazewear lip glosses in particular.

Avon had 11 shades in the Ultra Glazewear range, but has decided to add four new shades. They're called: Pink Petal, Blushed Blossom, Tinted Peach and Rose Reflection.

Lip glosses come in square looking transparent lip gloss tube with black plastic top. In each is 6 ml of product and the regular price is 8€

It has doe foot applicator, which doesn't hold too much product. If you want to apply it heavily, you'll need to go back in. To me that's better then coming out of the tube with too much product at once. 

The shades looked a lot different in the catalog than swatched on the lips. I was surprised that the two lightest shades are extremely light. Names can also be misleading.

Pink Petal

It's light beige base with pink copper shimmer. On the lips it looks warm toned.

Blushed Blossom

It's pastel peach base with pink copper shimmer. In all honesty, it is so similar to Pink Petal, that I almost can't tell a difference. Blushed Blossom looks warm toned in the tube and Pink Petal looks cool toned in the tube, but they both look warm toned on the lips. Pink Petal is just slightly lighter in shade and doesn't have peachier tint to it. 

Tinted Peach

It's peach base with pink shimmer. On the lips it's cool toned, because of the blue based pink shimmer in it that gives it cool pink sheen.

Rose Reflection

It's pink base with gold copper shimmer. It gives the lips a very warm golden sheen. I think names Tinted Peach and Rose Reflection should be reversed, since Tinted Peach has pink sheen and Rose Reflection has warm sheen. I guess they named it by the base color, but it doesn't looking anything like it on the lips.

In general the colored base is transparent and it gives just a hint of color to the lips. Shimmer in them is the star, as it gives that shiny finish. Shimmer also dictates weather they look cool or warm toned on the lips or over lipsticks. 

I don't care for Pink Petal and Blushed Blossom, because I find them too light for my liking. They would be good for that really nude look, but I like my lip glosses to have some color to them. Tinted Peach in the tube is everything I could wish for, but the cool pink sheen is not after my own taste. I'm sure a lot of pink lovers would love it. My favorite has to be Rose Reflection. I adore warm golden shimmer in it. I love to use this on top of lipstick to give them shine and especially warmth. It looks like a proper summer lip gloss and it definitely gives you that warm golden glow to the lips. You can see me wearing it over Catrice mauve lipstick here. I'll also feature it in a future makeup look. 

Here I wore Rose Reflection over a basic neutral brownish lipstick.

Consistency of these is pretty thick and they are quite heavy on the lips. Definitely not one of those lip glosses that you can't feel on the lips. They stick to the lips really well because of the heavy texture and they actually have good staying power for a lip gloss. 

These are definitely sticky, that kind of old school feeling lip glosses and if you hate sticky lip glosses, you will hate these. 

A few seconds after application I can feel tingling sensation on my lips and I am almost certain it has some sort of plumping ingredient in it. You know, like some menthol lip glosses, that tingle your lips in order to achieve a bit plumper look. I tried these on two more persons and they both experience the same effect, so it's not just in my head. Of course the tingling sensation goes away after a few second and you're left with normal lip gloss feel. It doesn't bother me personally, but I just find it unnecessary. I also don't know how this will go down with my lips when they're cracked. Fortunately, I haven't had this problem in a long time.

You can see the swatches here. I decided to also make swatches on the paper for you to see base color and shimmer in it.

These lip glosses have a thicker sticky consistency and they are actually pretty long lasting. The shimmer in them gives a nice sheen, although Petal Pink and Blushed Blossom are really light and don't have as much sheen. They have plumping effect with the actual tingling sensation which goes away after a few seconds. I would love for Avon to make non sticky formula and add more of unique color bases with shimmery sheen, because I think this shimmer looks really pretty over colored base. 

*Products were sent to me.

Mat izdelki za ustnice so vsepovsod in občutek imam, da njihova popularnost še bolj narašča. Vedno več znamk uvaja mat šminke ali mat tekoče šminke v svojo ponudbo. Iz neznanega razloga imam sama poleti rada malo bolj kremaste in celo svetlikajoče izdelke za ustnice. Mogoče zato, ker se mi včasih zdi pigmentirana mat šminka preveč za vroče poletne dni in močno sonce. Vsekakor menim, da bodo lip glossi prišli nazaj, še posebej v poletnih mesecih. Danes bom govorila o Avon Ultra Glazewear lip glosih.

Avon ima v svoji Ultra Glazewear liniji 11 odtenkov lip glosov. Pred kratkim je dodal štiri nove odtenke in sicer: Pink Petal, Blushed Blossom, Tinted Peach in Rose Reflection.

Lip glosi imajo kvadratasto prozorno plastično embalažo s črnim plastičnim pokrovčkom. V vsakem je 6 ml izdelka in redna cena je 8€. Kupite jih lahko tukaj

Aplikator je precej standarden za lip glose in na njem ni preveč izdelka. Če želite nanesti debel sloj, boste morali še enkrat v embalažo. Meni osebno se to zdi boljše kot pa če bi bilo na aplikatorju že na začetku preveč izdelka. 

Odtenki so izgledali precej drugače v katalogu kot na ustnicah. Presenetilo me je, da sta dva najsvetlejša odtenka res izredno svetla. Tudi imena vas lahko hitro zavedejo.

Pink Petal 

Svetlo bež podlaga z roza bakrenimi bleščicami. Na ustnicah izgleda odtenek topel.

Blushed Blossom

Pastelno breskvasta podlaga z roza bakrenimi bleščicami. Če povem po pravici z Pink Petal izgledata izredno podobno in skoraj ne opazim razlike. Blushed Blossom izgleda topel v embalaži in Pink Petal izgleda hladen v embalaži. Na ustnicah sta oba topla. Pink petal je rahlo svetlejši in nima breskvastega podtona. 

Tinted Peach

Marelična podlaga z roza bleščicami. Na ustnicah izgleda hladno, ker imajo roza bleščice moder sijaj. 

Rose Reflection
Roza podlaga z zlato bakrenimi bleščicami. Ustnicam doda zelo topel zlat sijaj. Mislim, da bi morali biti imeni Tinted Peach in Rose Reflection zamenjani. Tinted Peach ima roza sijaj in Rose Reflection ima topel sijaj. Verjetno so jih poimenovali glede na barvno podlago lip glosa, ki pa ni odraz tega kako izgleda na ustnicah. 

Barvna podlaga je precej transparentna in daje ustnicam samo rahlo obarvanost. Bleščice so glavna zvezda, saj dajejo lip glosu ta visok sijaj in ustnicam dodajo barven sij, ki izgleda čudovito sam po sebi, še lepše pa preko šmink.

Pink Petal in Blushed Blossom mi nista zanimiva, ker sta za moj okus presvetla. Odlično bi delovala za kakšen res nude videz. Sama imam rada, če so lip glosi malo bolj obarvani. Tinted Peach v tubi izgleda točno to kar bi si želela od lip glos odtenka, vendar na ustnicah prevlada roza sijaj s hladnim modrim podtonom. Saj veste, da nisem velik ljubitelj hladnih ali roza izdelkov. Všeč bi bil vsem drugim ljubiteljem roza izdelkov. Moj favorit je zagotovo Rose Reflection. Obožujem toplo zlate bleščice v njem. Izredno mi je všeč kako izgleda preko drugih šmink. Doda jim sijaj in še posebej toploto. Zame je to perfekten poleten lip glos, ker ustnicam doda toplo zlat sijaj. Tukaj lahko vidite kako izgleda na mojih ustnicah preko Catrice vijolične šminke. Prikazala ga bom tudi v enem izmed mojih prihodnjih makeup lookov.

Na fotografiji imam Rose Reflection preko navadne nevtralno rjave šminke. 

Tekstura je precej gosta in na ustnicah delujejo težji. Vsekakor niso eni izmed tistih lip glosov, ki jih med nošenjem ne bi čutile. Prilepijo se na ustnice in ker so dokaj težki pomeni, da dobro ostanejo na ustnicah. Vsaj za lip glose, so precej obstojni. 

Vsekakor so lepljivi. Spominjajo me na kakšne starejše lepljive verzije lip glosov iz mojega otroštva. Če sovražite lepljive lip glose, potem vam nikakor ne priporočam nakupa teh.

Nekaj sekund po nanosu na ustnicah začutim tako rahlo ščemenje in sem skoraj prepričana, da morajo lip glosi vsebovati neke sestavine, ki dražijo ustnice, da le te dosežejo večji volumen. S tem mislim na primer na tiste lip glose z mentolom, ki rahlo otrpnejo ustnice in jih malo nabreknejo za polnejši videz. Lip glose sem preizkusila še na dveh drugih osebah in obe sta občutili enak občutek. Torej ni samo v moji glavi. Čez nekaj sekund seveda ščemenje izgine in je kot normalen lip glos. Mene to ne moti, vendar se mi zdi nepotrebno. Ne vem kako se bo to ščemenje obneslo na razpokanih ustnicah. Na srečo zadnje mesece s tem nisem imela problemov. 

Prikazala sem jih tudi na belem papirju, da boste lažje videli barvno podlago. 

Ti lip glosi imajo gosto lepljivo teksturo in so precej dolgo obstojni. Bleščice v njih dajejo lep sijaj, čeprav sta Pink Petal in Blushed Blossom precej svetla in nimata toliko tega sijaja. Nekaj sekund po nanosu dajejo ščemeč občutek, ki naj bi ustnice naredil bolj polne. Občutek izgine po nekaj sekundah. Želela bi, da Avon naredi nelepljivo verzijo teh lip glosov, z več barvnimi podlagami in bleščicami, ki izgledajo res odlično in dajejo lep sijaj preko kakršne koli šminke kot podlage. 

*Izdelki so mi bili poslani.