After delivering commercially hit movie iSmart Shankar, Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal have become sought after sirens in the South Indian film Industry. They are flooding with number of movie offers. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, once again Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal are going to work together for an upcoming untitled film in which Mega Prince Varun Tej will play the lead role. Earlier it was heard that the makers are planning to rope Kiara Advani to play the female lead in this film but as she has multiple projects in her kitty, is not able to allot the dates to the makers, so she has rejected the offer and finally the makers approached Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal to play the female leads in Varun Tej starrer, which will be helmed by debutant Kiran Korrapati.
Though Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal are said to be charging a bomb, but offers are said to be coming their way and now they are on the board to share the screen space with Varun Tej in Kiran Korrapati’ directorial venture. Finally Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal have accepted Kiara Adavni’ rejected project.
Kiara Advani made her debut in Tollywood with Koratala Siva’ directorial venture Bharat Ane Nenu starring Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu which was blockbuster at the box office and later she romanced with Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Vinaya Vidhya Rama but was disaster at the box office. She was in the talk of Varun Tej starrer but due to date issues, Kiara Adavni rejected the offer and finally the role fell into the lap of Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Agerwal.
The sources say when Kiara Adavni said no to the makers, without wasting time, they started the search for other hotties, and locked both Nidhhi Agerwal and Nabha Natesh for the film. However, they are yet to sign the dotted line.
Mega Prince Varun Tej will be seen as a boxer in this film, which will be bankrolled by Allu Venkatesh aka Bobby.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood
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