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Joe Jonas Smoked Pot with Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus: Sex, Drugs and Disney Secrets!

Joe Jonas is telling all--including how he smoked pot with Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus, how the Disney machine worked...and there's maybe even a little diss thrown Taylor Swift's way.

In a new article for Vulture, Joe lays it all out there in a very honest retelling of some of the dark secrets of being a Disney kid and part of the Jonas Brothers.

Hey, now that he doesn't have a wholesome brand to protect, why not dish on some of the secrets that were going on behind the scenes?

Now it's all out there--sex, drugs, rock and roll!

Hearing about how Disney really put the Jonas Brothers on the map is interesting, including his thoughts on the show Jonas.

He explained that the scripts were sometimes "terrible," but "We went along with it at the time, because we thought Disney was our only real shot, and we were terrified that it could all be taken away from us at any moment."

That meant keeping things wholesome, as he shared the Disney execs' reaction to the Vanessa Hudgens' nude photo scandal that "made us feel like we couldn't ever mess up."

Joe added, "We didn't want to disappoint anyone--our parents, our fans, our employers--so we put incredible pressure on ourselves, the kind of pressure that no teenager should be under."

The topic of those purity rings came up and Joe admitted "I lost my virginity when I was 20. I did other stuff before then, but I was sexually active at 20. I'm glad I waited for the right person, because you look back and you go, 'That girl was bats--t crazy. I'm glad I didn't go there.'"

Read into that how you like--is it a dig on Taylor? Maybe. But, he maintains, he has no "resentment" towards any ex-girlfriends.

Joe did talk about dating famous girls, however, saying, "In the back of my mind, it felt special to date someone who was also famous. But I wanted to keep things quiet out of respect for my fans, because we had a large female audience, and I didn't want to rub my relationships in their faces. Some of the girls I dated just didn't get that."

As for dating Demi, he said, "One relationship that meant a lot to fans was the one I had with Demi Lovato, who I've known for years. We had been friends forever, we were both Disney kids, and because we played a couple in the Camp Rock Disney Channel specials--and fans liked seeing us together--we eventually dated for a month."

Joe revealed, "I really got to know her and got to see the ins and outs of what she was struggling with, like drug abuse. I felt like I needed to take care of her, but at the same time I was living a lie, because I wasn't happy but felt like I had to stay in it for her, because she needed help. I couldn't express any of that, of course, because I had a brand to protect."

He continued, "It was an insane situation to be in. Things kept building up, and Demi ended up punching a girl in the face on a plane, because she thought the girl was blaming her for something. Everybody gasped, and the girl just started bleeding. That's when her team and her family told her, 'You need to go into rehab.'"

Joe added, "I remember being in South America, and fans immediately jumped to the conclusion that we kicked her off the 2010 tour, and they just hated on us for it."

And smoking pot turned out to be a Disney affair, as he explained, "The first time I smoked weed was with Demi and Miley. I must have been 17 or 18. They [Demi and Miley] kept saying, 'Try it! Try it!' so I gave it a shot, and it was all right. I don't even smoke weed that often anymore."

Check out Joe's full story at Vulture--it's an interesting and very honest read, but do you think Joe threw some people under the bus or name dropped a little too much?

Or is it all stuff you were dying to know about the JoBros?

Also, who did Joe hook up with in the back of a car? He said it was a Disney star...

UPDATE: Demi Lovato's reaction to Joe's tell-all essay? Nothing but love. She tweeted: "@joejonas love you brother. #family/friendsforever"

Her sister, Dallas, wasn't so understanding, taking to Twitter to diss Joe: "Pathetic how people cut others down to get attention off themselves.. Loser"


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