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Ambulances Called to Justin Bieber's Calabasas Mansion

Whoa! What happened at Justin Bieber's house last night?

According to TMZ, ambulances raced to Justin's Calabasas home early this morning after they received a 911 call saying a woman passed out inside.

Paramedics were reportedly dispatched to Bieber's house this morning around 3 a.m. when someone at his house called and said there was a 20-year old unconscious female at the house. Fortunately, the ambulances were called off 15 minutes later.

Justin was at home during the time the 911 phone called occurred and was the one throwing the party. The person who called off the ambulances reportedly told dispatch the woman would be taken privately to the hospital. Sources close to TMZ and the situation told the site that the woman actually regained consciousness and when she was told 911 had been called she insisted they be called off.

The woman reportedly did not go to the hospital and went home instead. It's unclear what really happened but TMZ says alcohol was definitely involved. Maybe drugs were too?

Someone connected to Bieber told TMZ that it was a member of his security team who called 911 just to be safe.

We're just glad everything turned out to be fine. Justin hasn't had an awesome week. He reportedly called a fan of his a "beached whale" while in Australia! Read about that here.

Do you think Bieber is partying too much? He's not even 21 yet! Chime in!


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